What is Climacteric or Menopause?
Menopause is a period in a woman’s life when her level of fertility goes to zero, and she’s unable to conceive again.
It’s considered a normal period in every woman’s life as it’s a natural phenomenon, and not as a result of illness.
This condition, also known as climacteric in medical terminology, occurs in women between around 45 and 70 years of age and lasts between 10 and 15 years.
Menopause marks the end of a woman’s sexual maturity and is associated with unpleasant symptoms in a large number of women, Chaktty said.
The first signs of menopause can appear at the age of 40, but sleep disorders and irregular bleeding are usually associated with overwork and stress in life.
However, this can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle, more precisely sufficient exercise, and a balanced diet, according to HealthPally.
What to expect during Menopause?
During menopause, there is a hormonal change in the female body. Less female sex hormones (estrogens) are produced, making sexual activities to be reduced.
This period is of course not a disease, but a completely natural phase that every woman goes through once in her life.
As a result, menstrual bleeding occurs less before the last menstrual period finally occurs, and it stops afterwards, hence menopause occurs.
Phases in Menopause
Menopause is divided into different phases:
Premenopause is the period between two and seven years before the last menstrual period.
During this period, the menstrual period will gradually become more irregular.
After all, very typical for the onset of menopause is very heavy bleeding that can last for several weeks.
Menopause in turn is the last menstrual period, which takes place at an average age of 51 years.
This menopause is followed by the so-called postmenopause, which lasts about ten to 15 years.
About a third of all women going through menopause do not experience any symptoms and menopause seems to pass them by without a trace.
Another third of women, on the other hand, struggle with minor problems, while the last third find it difficult to cope with menopause.
Both physical and psychological problems are not uncommon for these women.
Symptoms of Menopause
Typical symptoms that can occur during menopause are:
- Hot flashes
- Sweats
- Dizziness
- Sleep disorders
- Weight gain
Many symptoms are due to narrowing or widening of the blood vessels.
Other symptoms of Menopause are the following
- High blood pressure
High blood pressure is also very typical: This symptom affects around half of all women after menopause.
- Changes in the female body
In addition, the female body also changes during menopause: the vagina and uterus as well as the mammary glands recede.
In addition, both the skin and the mucous membranes become thinner. Since this is also the case in the vaginal area, pain can arise during sexual intercourse.
The psychological state of women can also change: Many patients complain of listlessness, tiredness, mood swings, or even depression.
- Osteoporosis
Some women develop osteoporosis during or after menopause, which is often attributed to a lack of the hormone estrogen. A calcium-rich diet and sufficient vitamin D can help prevent this disease.
Surgery to remove the uterus may be necessary during menopause. This is always the case if there is very irregular bleeding during menopause.
During menopause, there is a hormonal change in the female body.
Menopause is a completely natural phase in every woman’s life, and it hardly causes any discomfort in some patients.
Other women, on the other hand, struggle with the symptoms of menopause.
In summary, it can be said that menopause is a biological turning point – after all, the woman can no longer have children afterward – but this should not be a reason to feel less like a woman.