You do not get strong and healthy teeth by stroke of luck. It requires a lifetime of care to get such teeth. Even if you are blessed with nice and beautiful teeth you must take proper care of them every day to prevent problems form cropping up. Taking the right care of the teeth mostly involves two things – choosing the right oral care products and being mindful about your daily habits.
- You should never go to bed without brushing the teeth
You should brush the teeth twice daily. This is a general recommendation from dentists for almost every one. Some people neglect brushing the teeth at night. You should not neglect this and make necessary effort to build this habit. When you brush the teeth at night before going to bed your mouth becomes clean of the germs and plaques that accumulate throughout the day.
- Brush the teeth properly
Brushing the teeth is not sufficient rather how you brush the teeth is equally important. If you do not brush in the correct technique then your effort is hardly effective. In fact a poor job of brushing the teeth is as bad as not brushing at all. First of all you have to little patient while brushing and cleaning the teeth although proper brushing hardly requires more than two to three minutes. Hold the toothbrush at an angle of forty five degrees to the teeth surface and apply gentle pressure of the hand while brushing. You should always move the toothbrush in small circular motions on the teeth surface to remove plaque build-ups. Make sure to cover all the three surfaces of the teeth with the toothbrush and make sure to clean the tongue too every time while brushing the teeth. Plaque build-ups when not cleared away become harden and is called calculus. According to a renowned dentist in Wimbledon calculus deposits in the mouth are responsible for gingivitis or early stages of gum disease.
Clean your tongue
Harmful plaques and bacteria thrive on the tongue. So, it is important to clean the tongue every time you brush the teeth. If you neglect cleaning the tongue you may have bad odour in the mouth. Moreover an unclean tongue can lead to other dental issues. You can use the toothbrush itself to clean the tongue or may use a tongue scrapper – whichever is more convenient.
Use fluoride toothpaste
Your toothpaste plays a vital role in order to maintain a healthy and disease-free mouth. You must choose your toothpaste carefully. Most people select their toothpaste based on its whitening capacity and flavour. You may choose any version of the product but always make sure it has fluoride as one of the constituents. Fluoride combats setting in of decay in the tooth. It also fights harmful germs and bacteria in your mouth forming a protective barrier and helps you achieve a sound oral health.
- Flossing is as crucial as brushing
Many people brush their teeth regularly but deliberately neglect flossing. Flossing is not just about getting that piece of broccoli or any other food item that gets stuck between the teeth. Rather it serves a number of benefits which include the following –
- It stimulates your gums
- Clears away plaque build-ups from the mouth and also reduces the chances of plaques
- It lowers the chances of inflammation in your gums
If you floss the teeth once daily you can easily reap these benefits.
- Even if you face difficulties with flossing yet you should not stop it under any circumstance
Flossing is not as easy as brushing the teeth. It is particularly difficult for young children. Flossing also proves hard for older adults who suffer from arthritis. One of the best dentists in Wimbledon suggests there are tools available these days to help you overcome your flossing difficulties. It is a good idea to invest in such tools and continue with flossing. One such product is the “ready to use” dental flosser; you can easily get this item in your neighbourhood pharmacy.
- Use an antibacterial mouthwash
Mouthwashes are extremely helpful promoting sound oral health. But a large number of people ignore using mouthwash simply because they are unaware how it proves effective. A mouthwash minimises the amount of acid in your mouth. It re-mineralises the teeth to fight against plaques and germs. A mouthwash rinse also brings out plaques from areas around the gums that are hard to clean using a toothbrush. A mouthwash rinse is particularly helpful for children and older adults who usually cannot brush or floss the teeth effectively. Varieties of this product are readily available in the market but you must choose the right product for your teeth and the mouth. It is best to ask your dentist to recommend the best mouthwash for you suggest oral health professionals working at a leading Wimbledon dental practice.
- Drink sufficient quantity of water and keep your mouth hydrated
Water is the best drink for both your physical and oral health. When you drink sufficient quantity of water throughout the day your mouth remains hydrated. Harmful bacteria and germs cannot grow easily in a hydrated mouth. Drinking water after every meal washes away food particles from the teeth surface. Even harmful effects of sticky and acidic foods (as well as drinks) are washed out to a large extent just by gulping down some water.
- Importance of crunchy vegetables and fruits
Green crunchy vegetables and fresh fruits are rich in fibre. This naturally obtained fibre is best to keep your teeth and the gums strong, healthy and free from diseases.
- Cut down on sugary foods and drinks
If you want to enjoy sound dental health then you must limit intake of sugary foods and drinks. Even cutting down on acidic foods and drinks is equally important. This type of foods and drinks erode the protective enamel coating of the teeth.
- Visit your dentist every six months
In addition to the tips mentioned above you must visit your dentist every six weeks for a thorough and customary check-up. These visits help detecting any potential problem before it matures into a serious problem. These routine visits also help getting rid of calculus deposits from your teeth.The Wimbledon Confidental Dentist London is a widely trusted oral health clinic in London. We are located on Abbey Parade and offer a range of treatments covering various branches of modern dentistry.